We all know how important quality content is for search engine optimisation. But hardly anyone actually specifies what you should be aiming to achieve and to avoid in the creation of content. Let’s go through the most important factors you should bear in mind when creating engaging, quality content.

How does Google differentiate high from low quality?

To rate the quality of a page, Google analyses how well searchers have interacted with it after it has appeared in their search results. The aim is to assess how well it has satisfied their needs. These user signals include Click-Through Rate (the proportion of searchers who have clicked on a page when it has appeared in search results), SERP Return Rate (the proportion of searchers going back to the search engine results page after having clicked on a link – something that suggests they did not find what they were looking for) and Time on Site (if searchers stay longer it indicates the page is what they were looking for). The algorithm can also identify whether keywords from the search query correspond to words on the page. It also checks for the presence of images, as well as how many other sites have linked through to the page (if any), spelling mistakes and overall site speed.

Google automatically positions pages within results based on hundreds of factors including user signals. Updates such as Panda are examples of adjustments to the algorithm that can lead to major shifts in rankings for some sites. And Google is continually testing and improving its algorithm, a process so deeply rooted in its business there is even a special name for it: The Google Everflux.

How to Create High-Quality Content?

Creating high-quality content means focusing on keeping your audience engaged. Here are our must-know content creation tips:

1. Get to know your readers.

Content marketing is a customer-centric strategy. Your blog posts, special reports and other content aren’t product brochures. They’re a way for you to connect with and engage your ideal customers.
Because of that, your first task as a content marketer is to get to know your readers.
You need to find out what they’re interested in, what questions they’re asking, what worries them, what their goals are, and what they want from you.
Remember, in the eyes of Google, quality content is content that answers your readers’ questions. So don’t shy away from being direct – answer their questions and get them engaged.

2. Talk in their language.

This is especially important now that Google’s keyword tool is no longer available. Instead of asking Google what search terms people are using, listen to your customers and respond to them in a manner understand.
Go to forums where they ask questions. Connect with them in social media. Watch their comments on your blog and other blogs in your industry.
What words are they using to talk about your products? Those are the words you need to use when you talk about them. By doing so, you’ll automatically optimise your content—because it will match the queries they type into search engines.

3. Keep the focus on customers, not selling.

Blog posts aren’t sales pages. Remember that. Use blog posts to answer questions and generate interest in your products. Then link to sales pages in case readers want to learn more.
Create content that builds a relationship with your customer. Your objective should be to build trust and credibility in your target audience. It should not be using your content to sell. Let that come later after you’ve earned their trust.

4. Create content for every stage of the sales funnel.

Write down every question your customers are likely to ask at every level of the funnel. These are the same questions they’re going to type into a search engine. So create content that targets those keywords.
But don’t stop there. Create additional content that simply provides useful, actionable information.

5. Create content on a regular basis.

Consistency builds trust. It also makes you credible. And the more content you produce, the more search queries your content can rank for. So set a schedule you can reasonably maintain, and get busy producing content.